Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Quotation for Today

Matt Greaves got me started on Richard Rohr (thanks, Matt), and I found this in a book of daily readings:
If you're still breathing, there's more conversion and more life that the Lord wants to offer you. That's what John the Evangelist means when he writes, You will know that the Spirit is within you “because I live and because you will live” (John 14:19)
Why do we feel the call to this kind of charity, this kind of love? It's not a tactic or a strategy in order to get into heaven. It's simply because that's who God is: God pours forth life in our hearts and calls us to be who God is.
It's the only thing that makes sense: When you know that your parent is love, then the only thing you want to be is love. The only thing that comes logically, naturally, to you is love. Nothing else makes sense after awhile.
There is a given-ness to God. God is not withheld; God is the one who is handed over. That's what we mean when we say that God is love. But it's not like our love. When we love, we wait and see something good out there. It it's attractive enough, if it's good enough, we give ourselves to it. God simply gives. We find that kind of love very hard to understand because we're not able to love that way. - Richard Rohr, The Price of Peoplehood, reprinted in Radical Grace: Daily Meditations by Richard Rohr, p.252

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